Stuart Whatley
is Senior Editor at Project Syndicate. You can follow him on Twitter @StuartWhatley.
is Senior Editor at Project Syndicate. You can follow him on Twitter @StuartWhatley.
has worked in various non-profit settings and has a background in health care law and policy. Her work is focused on Medicaid and private insurance policy related to eligibility, enrollment, and benefits. She also serves as a volunteer Certified Application Counselor in Northern Virginia, where she helps low- and middle-income consumers enroll in health coverage […]
is Professor and Chair in the Department of History at the University of Pittsburgh. She is active in grassroots political organizing in southwest Pennsylvania.
is a Minnesota attorney and an alumnus of the Fair Punishment Project, a joint initiative of Harvard Law School’s Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race & Justice and its Criminal Justice Institute.
a long-time business and economics journalist, is editor emeritus and columnist for Modern Healthcare, a trade journal that he edited from 2012 to 2017.
is the Economic Policy Institute’s budget analyst.
is the incoming president of the Economic Policy Institute.
is a writer living in Seattle. Her work has appeared in The Nation, The Atlantic, Salon, Pacific Standard, and GOOD Magazine.
is president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
is a historian and Distinguished Professor Emerita from the University of South Carolina. She is the author of Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics.