
Dalia Hatuqa

is an independent journalist based in Washington, D.C. and the West Bank. She has been published in The Economist, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic, and elsewhere, and her radio work and commentary have aired on NPR, PRI’s The World, the BBC, and Monocle 24.


Nushin Rashidian

is the co-founder of the non-partisan news organization Cannabis Wire, and the co-author of the book A New Leaf: The End of Cannabis Prohibition (The New Press, 2014). She is also a research fellow on the Platforms and Publishers project at Columbia Journalism School’s Tow Center for Digital Journalism. She can be followed @nushinrashidian.


Rachel Cohen

is D.C.-based freelance journalist focused on education, labor, and civil rights. She has contributed to The American Prospect, The Intercept, The Washington Monthly, among others.


Michael S. Barr

is the Roy F. and Jean Humphrey Proffitt Professor of Law and Professor of Public Policy at the University of Michigan, and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. He served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Institutions, 2009-2010.


Douglas Steiger

served for seven years at HHS in the Obama Administration, including four as the Counselor to the Secretary for Human Services. Prior to that, he was a Senate aide for 12 years, including seven at the Senate Finance Committee.


Emre Celik

is president of the DC-based Rumi Forum, a civil society organization dedicated to interfaith dialogue. He is also currently pursuing his PhD in Islamic Studies. He can be followed @emrecelikrumi.


Angel Padilla

is Director of Policy at the Indivisible Project. He is also a health policy analyst at the National Immigration Law Center (NILC), where he has worked since March 2014.


Leah Greenberg

is a co-contributor to Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda and Chief Strategy Officer of the Indivisible Project. She most recently served as Policy and Research Director for the Tom Perriello for Governor of Virginia campaign.
