Virginia Heffernan
is a contributor at WIRED. She is the author of Magic and Loss: The Internet as Art. She is also a cohost of Trumpcast, an op-ed columnist at the Los Angeles Times, and a frequent contributor to Politico.
is a contributor at WIRED. She is the author of Magic and Loss: The Internet as Art. She is also a cohost of Trumpcast, an op-ed columnist at the Los Angeles Times, and a frequent contributor to Politico.
is the author of Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women and, most recently, In the Darkroom.
is the founding director of the Global Drug Policy Program at the Open Society Foundations, which promotes drug policies rooted in human rights, social justice, and public health. Malinowska previously led the Open Society’s International Harm Reduction Development program, which supports the health and human rights of people who use drugs.
directs the New Models of Policy Change Initiative at New America.
is a freelance writer and book editor and former Managing Editor of Boston Review. His work has appeared in The Washington Post, New Republic, The Boston Globe, Los Angeles Review of Books, The American Prospect, and elsewhere. Find him on twitter @simonwaxman, and on his website
is Associate Professor of Political Science at Georgia State University, where he teaches and researches human rights, democratization, and peacebuilding. He is the author or editor of eight books, including most recently, Trials and Tribulations of International Prosecution (updated edition, 2015), Understanding International Law through Moot Courts (2014), and The Challenges of European Governance in the Age of Economic Stagnation, Immigration, and […]
is a professor of history at The New School for Social Research and co-executive director of Public Seminar. Her most recent book is Political Junkies: From Talk Radio to Twitter, How Alternative Media Hooked Us on Politics and Broke Our Democracy.
is assistant professor of history at the University of Rhode Island. He is the author of Empire of Timber: Labor and Unions and the Pacific Northwest Forests (2016) and Out of Sight: The Long and Disturbing Story of Corporations Outsourcing Catastrophe (2015).
is Professor of History and La Motta Chair in Italian Studies at Seton Hall University. He s co-editor of the forthcoming Routledge History of Italian Americans.
is a staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project (NELP) and works to promote fair-chance employment and opportunities for workers with records across the nation. She recently co-authored a report called “Unlicensed & Untapped: Removing Barriers to State Occupational Licenses for People with Records.”