
Democracy Podcast: There Will Be Oil

Introducing our latest feature: Democracy: A Podcast of Ideas. In the inaugural episode, Jason Bordoff, one of the nation’s leading experts on energy, joins host Jefferson Smith to discuss his essay, “There Will Be Oil,” from our Summer 2013 issue. Bordoff argues that the United States is energy rich, but is still guided by policies that assume the opposite.

By Jack Meserve

Introducing our latest feature: Democracy: A Podcast of Ideas. In the inaugural episode, Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, joins host Jefferson Smith to discuss his essay, “There Will Be Oil,” from our Summer 2013 issue. Bordoff argues that the United States is energy rich, but is still guided by policies that assume the opposite.

Click here to visit Jefferson Smith’s Soundcloud page.

Jack Meserve is the managing editor of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas.

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