teaches corporate and constitutional law at Boston College. He clerked for Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter and is the author of The Failure of Corporate Law: Fundamental Flaws and Progressive Possibilities, The Myth of Choice: Personal Responsibility in a World of Limits, and the forthcoming Corporations Are People Too.
is a senior fellow at Demos and a former vice president at Goldman Sachs.
is a policy advocate and the author of The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together.
teaches at the University of Chicago and is the author of the forthcoming book The Collapse of Constitutional Remedies.
is policy editor at the Washington Monthly and a senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute.
is a retired NASA senior executive, aviation technology entrepreneur, and aeronautics industry consultant. He is also an adviser to the federal government, serving on National Academies panels as well as on boards of various organizations. He is a pilot of more than 50 years and a fellow in two international aerospace societies.
a former special assistant to President Obama for energy and climate change, is professor of professional practice in international and public affairs and founding director of the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia University.
is senior vice president at IHS. He served as the founder of the Bureau of Energy Resources in the U.S. State Department and as top energy adviser to the secretary of state from 2011 to 2014. He was U.S. ambassador to Mexico (2009-11) and Ukraine (2000-03).
is a senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. His most recent book is Rigged: How Globalization and the Rules of the Modern Economy Have Been Structured to Make the Rich Richer.
is the executive director of The Sentencing Project and the author of Race to Incarcerate.