Sophia Crabbe-Field
COVID's Forsaken Fighters
In a society where poor health is seen as a matter of personal responsibility, not the common good, the death of people with underlying health issues is sadly normalized.
In a society where poor health is seen as a matter of personal responsibility, not the common good, the death of people with underlying health issues is sadly normalized.
COVID-19 and the People's Vaccine
After decades of price gouging, a lack of access to essential medicines, and millions of unnecessary deaths, it's time for science in the public interest.
COVID-19, France, and Me
How I learned that it’s cheaper to be uninsured in France than to be insured in America.
Sick of Being Sick in America
Why it’s better up North.
Why it’s better up North.
Let Freedom Ring
With many Americans finally more open to government intervention, it’s time again to push the left-Rooseveltian meaning of freedom.
With many Americans finally more open to government intervention, it’s time again to push the left-Rooseveltian meaning of freedom.