Unfinished Business
The economy's made halting progress, but the recovery's leaving too many behind. A series of contributors take stock of where we've come in one part of the economy, and what's left to be done. E.J. Dionne Jr. introduces the symposium • David Cay Johnston on Taxes • Mehrsa Baradaran on Banks • Caroline Fredrickson on Families • Lenny Mendonca & Laura Tyson on Entrepreneurs • Adam Zurofsky on Corporations • Amy B. Dean on Workers
By The Editors1 MIN READ
Still Too Many Left Behind
By E.J. Dionne Jr.12 MIN READ
Taxes: Fund the IRS!
By David Cay Johnston14 MIN READ
Corporations: The “Positive Discipline” Model
By Adam Zurofsky14 MIN READ
Banks: A Broken Social Contract
By Mehrsa Baradaran11 MIN READ
Workers: Stand with Labor
By Amy B. Dean13 MIN READ
Entrepreneurs: Spread the Start-Up Wealth Around
By Lenny Mendonca Laura Tyson10 MIN READ
Families: Paid Leave And a Lot More
By Caroline Fredrickson11 MIN READ
Pushing Back Against the Tyrants
How to counter the alarming authoritarian assault on civil society groups.
By Suzanne Nossel
How to counter the alarming authoritarian assault on civil society groups.
Democracy's 10 Year Retrospective
A collection of our favorite essays and book reviews.
By The Editors4 MIN READ
Islam And Liberalism
What are the progressive roots within Islam, and can they be strengthened? A roundtable discussion.
By Hassan Abbas Keith Ellison Asra Q. Nomani Ani Zonneveld
What are the progressive roots within Islam, and can they be strengthened? A roundtable discussion.
A Threat, Not a Theory
It’s simply not true that as wages go up, jobs go down. But trickle-downers need people to believe it.
By Nick Hanauer
It’s simply not true that as wages go up, jobs go down. But trickle-downers need people to believe it.
Book Reviews
The Kochs’ Dangerous Game
What the Koch brothers have built isn’t a political network. It’s a trust. And it must be busted.
By Rob Stein16 MIN READ
They Can Dream, Can’t They?
People laughed at utopians, but that hardly means they were failures who didn’t give us good ideas.
By Brook Wilensky-Lanford14 MIN READ
Everyone’s Problem
The inequality crisis is truly global, and while fixes aren’t easy, neither are present trends inevitable.
By Diane Coyle
The inequality crisis is truly global, and while fixes aren’t easy, neither are present trends inevitable.
Pragmatism Isn’t Enough
Sanity, pragmatism, and prudence are necessary. But are they sufficient? A response to Joseph S. Nye.
By Richard Just
Sanity, pragmatism, and prudence are necessary. But are they sufficient? A response to Joseph S. Nye.