
America's Fiscal Challenges: A Panel Discussion

On October 16th in New York City, the debate over America’s future economic policy that Democracy has helped spur in our recent issues will continue in a panel discussion we are co-hosting with The New School’s Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis.

By The Editors

On October 16th in New York City, the debate over America’s future economic policy that Democracy has helped spur in our recent issues will continue in a panel discussion we are co-hosting with The New School’s Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis.

Seating is limited. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Email Alicia King at by October 12th to RSVP.

Opening remarks by Bernard Schwartz, Chairman and CEO, BLS Investments, and author of the Democracy article "Public Investment Works"
Moderated by Bob Kerrey, President, The New School

Panelists include:
The Honorable Bill Bradley Managing Director, Allen & Company, LLC; author of The New American Story; and former U.S. Senator
Andrei Cherny Co-founder and Co-editor, Democracy: A Journal of Ideas; author of The Next Deal: The Future of Public Life in the Information Age
Robert Hormats Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co; and author of The Price of Liberty: Paying for America’s Wars
Gene Sperling Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; author of the Democracy article "Rising-Tide Economics," which the Politico dubbed "probably the most useful read around if you’re looking to understand Clintonomics 2.0"

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 5:30 PM

The New School
Theresa Lang Community and Student Center
55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY

Seating is limited. RSVP required by October 12th. Email Alicia King to RSVP at

The conversation will be filmed and posted on the New School and Democracy websites shortly thereafter.

Democracy: A Journal of Ideas

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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