
Anti-Monopoly Is the Path Forward

Democrats have scored some nice wins against corporate oligarchs—and drawn clear lines. They must not stop.

By Nidhi Hegde

Seeds of an Antitrust Revival

By Sandeep Vaheesan

Antimonopoly: A Master Narrative for Democracy?

How Biden’s fight against monopoly can guide his party to victory, and empower American to build a truly better future.

By Barry C. Lynn

Antitrust And Labor Movements Return to Their Roots

While modern antitrust reformers are preoccupied with the amount of competition, Progressive-Era activists argued that the quality of competition mattered too. Two new bills harken back to that time.

By Brian Callaci

Pass Corporate Chartering Power to Washington

Historically, it's states that charter corporations. Shifting that to the feds could democratize our economy.

By Daniel A. Hanley