Civil Rights

The Most Dangerous Law in America

The Insurrection Act is a nuclear bomb hidden in the United States code, giving presidents unimaginable emergency power. No President has abused it. Yet.

By Joseph Nunn

The Right’s Attack on Children

“Parental rights” are all the rage now in some quarters. But when parents gain rights, who loses them? Children.

By Marci Hamilton

‘To Conquer Callousness . . . ’

The remarkable life of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel leaves little doubt about what he’d be doing today.

By Jo-Ann Mort

Criminal Justice: When Will Black Lives Matter?

By Andrea M. Headley James E. Wright II

Life After (?) Roe

If the Supreme Court does what we expect, what comes next for abortion rights in this country? A roundtable featuring Michele Goodwin, Frances Kissling, Monica McLemore, and Jacqueline Ayers. Moderated by Anna Louie Sussman.

By The Editors