
Anti-Monopoly Is the Path Forward

Democrats have scored some nice wins against corporate oligarchs—and drawn clear lines. They must not stop.

By Nidhi Hegde

Four Questions for the Democrats

No, it’s not time to panic. But it is time to choose the coming battles wisely.

By William A. Galston

Degrees of Difference

Our biggest political divide isn’t race or gender or age. It’s education. And it’s getting worse.

By Paul Waldman

Party People

Many recoil at the thought of stronger political parties. But revitalized parties could be exactly what our ailing democracy needs.

By John Sides

Bidenomics, Storytelling, and Community

“Deliverism” is just the beginning. A response to Deepak Bhargava, Shahrzad Shams, and Harry Hanbury.

By Mike Lux