
The Reactionary Bind

In assessing the rise of the global anti-democracy movement, the United States must look inward as well as outward.

By Kim Phillips-Fein

Clash of Identities

Avi Shlaim is a groundbreaking Arab-Jewish historian. His memoirs both benefit and suffer from this duality.

By Jordan Michael Smith

The Unraisable Issue

Eric Alterman’s history of U.S. views of Israel asks why the topic is so lethal—and minds so unpersuadable.

By Emily Tamkin

The BDS Campaign’s Unpopular Front

The Israeli boycott movement is a disaster comparable to the American CP of the 1930s.

By Eric Alterman

When Trump Went to Israel

Despite Trump’s autocratic, strongman airs, his recent Middle East trip was also marked by a strange sense of weakness on the part of his Administration.

By Noam Sheizaf