
Markets and the Law

Neoliberalism isn’t just a set of economic precepts—it’s also an architecture of laws passed to reinforce those precepts. Those laws must be changed.

By Amy Kapczynski

Ending Corporate America’s Coercive Contracts

Our existing contractual legal regime allows corporations to further exploit their power over workers and consumers. But public policy can, and should, change that.

By Daniel A. Hanley

Limbaugh Was Partly Scalia and Bork’s Fault

The racist talk-show host didn’t just materialize from the free market. A policy change created him.

By Michael Tomasky

Give the People the Law

Today in most of America, helping someone use the law is illegal unless you're a lawyer. These restrictions damage democracy. The case for legal empowerment.

By Vivek Maru

The Paradoxes of Democracy

Why seemingly unassailable values are all fraught with tensions—and why those seeking change need to wrestle with them.

By Zephyr Teachout