
Trashing Science

The war on science, from the pandemic to the wildfires to so many fronts, is a war on evidence and truth.  

By Gregg Gonsalves

Progressive Visions of Space Exploration

Republicans have been all too eager to seize the mantle of space policy leadership. As we near the 50th anniversary of Apollo 8, it's time Democrats reclaim it.

By Peter Juul

Automation for the People?

We know what we gain in letting machines and algorithms do our work for us. But what do we lose?

By Christine Rosen

Genetic Code

Our regulatory regime for genetic research is a confusing thicket of rulings and guidelines. But there’s an elegant solution to the problem: copyright law.

By Ben Merriman

Bioprogressive America

Since the nation’s founding, progress in the Enlightenment sense has been key to the idea of America. A corollary belief has been an exceptional level of investment in creating a political, legal, and financial environment that encouraged scientific innovation.

By Jonathan Moreno