
Our Friend the Market

Liberals need to understand: The rules that structure the market are at least as important as government programs.

By Dean Baker

Right-Sizing American Capitalism

Fundamentally rebuilding our democracy means engineering our corporations and markets to enable the freedom of the producer from the domination by the monopolist or financier.

By Matt Stoller

Why Universal Health Care Needs Antitrust

While protestors fought to save Obamacare, the most consequential decisions over American health care were being quietly decided in the board rooms of giant corporations.

By Phillip Longman

At the Mercy of the Tech Gods

Franklin Foer offers many keen insights, but ultimately his case against the tech giants is too small-bore.

By Thomas Goetz

Trump's No Friend of Competition

For all of Trump's Rooseveltian rhetoric during the campaign, 2017 seems set to be another big year for corporate consolidation and monopoly power.

By Ethan Gurwitz