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Fall 2015, No. 38

U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman makes the case for why the Trans-Pacific Partnership—the big trade deal that the Administration is pushing—is in fact a progressive accord. His essay sets the stage for a vigorous debate this fall—both on our website and in the broader discourse—over the fate of the TPP.

There’s more. We have Bill Galston and Elaine Kamarck on the problem that plagues our economic life: the insistent focus on the short-term among executives and Wall Street. Their proposals against “quarterly capitalism” have already been taken up by Hillary Clinton. Eric Liu revisits E.D. Hirsch Jr.’s landmark essay on cultural literacy and asks: What does cultural literacy mean in twenty-first-century America? And Larry Downes wonders if our regulators can adapt to a new world of drones, apps, and big data.

In the books section, Connie Schultz reviews Anne-Marie Slaughter’s latest; Bruce Bartlett assesses David Madland’s lament for the middle class; Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig critiques the new Robert Putnam; and Kim Phillips-Fein takes a look at Kevin M. Kruse’s history of postwar Christian libertarianism. Finally, Ian Millhiser responds to Amanda Hollis-Brusky’s review of his book in the previous issue, and Katherine Stone has some things to add to Nick Hanauer and David Rolf’s idea for a “Shared Security System.”

Table of Contents

Summer 2015, No. 37

In this issue, Nick Hanauer and David Rolf put forward a fantastic big idea about how we can help provide security for workers in the new economy. They call for a “Shared Security System” that would make things like vacation time and sick leave portable across different jobs.

Elsewhere in the issue, Ron Klain provides the second installment in our series on “Our Digital Future,” writing about how we can use the Internet to reduce inequality. Arthur Goldhammer ponders the future of an anxious Europe. Michael Levi argues that natural gas can still be part of the post-coal energy picture. And Jim Sleeper urges us to reconsider the legacy of American Puritanism in a more positive light.

In the books section, David Greenberg casts a skeptical eye on the movement to boycott Israel in academia; Kim Ghattas weighs in on the fight for women’s rights in the Arab world; Amanda Hollis-Brusky discusses the limits of the Supreme Court’s impact; and Adrianna McIntyre scrutinizes Steven Brill’s take on Obamacare. Finally, Geneive Abdo responds to F. Gregory Gause, III’s analysis of the politics of the Gulf states in the previous issue.

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Spring 2015, No. 36

Net neutrality is very much in the news these days. But net neutrality is just one part of a much larger conversation that we should be having about communications and information technology. Whatever the state of play a year from now, the technology we rely so much upon will already be different, and more different still a year after that.

But policy isn’t keeping up. The time for a big rethink is well overdue. Starting in this issue, we’re partnering with the Advanced Communications Law and Policy Institute at New York Law School in presenting a series of essays on the various challenges and opportunities ahead. We open with two essays, one by Democracy co-founder Andrei Cherny and the other by Robert Atkinson and Doug Brake, that describe the stakes.

Next: Bard College President Leon Botstein on higher education and civic life; Heather K. Gerken and James T. Dawson on how the “spillover” effects of state and local laws promote democracy and debate; F. Gregory Gause, III on how to make sense of the political maneuverings of the Gulf petro-states; Richard Vague on the potential crisis that looms in the form of China’s huge private debt; and Michael O’Hare on what a better job our major art museums could be doing in how they present art to us.

We also offer review essays by former Syria ambassador Robert Ford on ISIS; Simon Lazarus on the current legal challenge to Obamacare; and Diane E. Meier on Atul Gawande. Finally, Zephyr Teachout pens a response to Lee Drutman’s review of her book.

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Winter 2015, No. 35

Leslie H. Gelb, president emeritus of the Council of Foreign Relations, takes aim at the rejuvenated neocons and puts forward an alternative path for progressive policy-makers to follow.

Elsewhere in the issue: Margo Schlanger looks at our the national-security state in the wake of Snowden’s revelations and argues that we don’t need more privacy laws—we need more civil libertarians in government. Samuel Bagenstos examines disability policy and offers ideas on expanding help for the disabled when they reach adulthood. Rich Yeselson dives deep into the work of the New Left historians and reckons with their legacy on contemporary debates. And historian Rick Perlstein responds to Jacob Weisberg’s review of his book.

In the books section, Matthew Duss explores the fraught topic of American progressives and Israel. Linda Robinson writes on the drone revolution. Lee Drutman reviews Zephyr Teachout’s new book on corruption. Beth A. Simmons offers a defense of human rights law. And Christine Rosen assesses Nicholas Carr’s new book on what automation is doing to us.

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