
Are Doctors Screwing Up Public Health?

The New York Times’ Nick Kristof considers Josh Ruxin’s piece on public health in our most recent issue.

By The Editors

The New York Times Nick Kristof considers Josh Ruxin’s piece in our latest issue and likes what he sees. Ruxin’s call for an appreciation of efficient corporate practices among public health practitioners squares with what Kristof has witnessed on the ground. Writes Kristof:

We roll out multi-billion dollar anti-retroviral programs for AIDS, but we don’t even deworm kids or iodize salt–two simple interventions that would raise school attendance, reduce malnutrition and anemia, and prevent cognitive impairment and even cretinism.

You can read Kristof’s thoughts in full here.

And be sure to read to read Ruxin’s article, too.

The New York Times

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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