
"Balanced Budgets: Holy Grail or Overrated?" Webcast

What should progressives do about the budget deficit? Today Democracy convened a panel of leading thinkers

By The Editors

What should progressives do about the budget deficit? Today Democracy
convened a panel of leading thinkers to debate whether progressive
fiscal policy should focus on reducing deficits, boosting public
investment – or both.

Sequential videos of the event, featuring a keynote address by former
Va. Gov. Mark Warner and a panel comprised of Isabel Sawhill, Steven
Rattner, Lawrence Summers, Gene Sperling, Bernard Schwartz, and Jeff
Faux, are available here:

Video 1: Remarks by Gov. Mark Warner

Video 2: First Half of Panel Discussion

Video 3: Second Half of Panel Discussion

Democracy: A Journal of Ideas

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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