
Ideas, Please

Reporter Marc Ambinder reports on the Clintons “shower[ing] affection” on Democracy co-editor Andrei Cherny.

By The Editors

In the Hotline On-Call blog, reporter Marc Ambinder writes:

“Last night, the Peter Beinart’s The Good Fight subjected itself to a smashingly well-attended book party at the home of Nancy Jacobson and Mark Penn. (Watch for ’08ish Post Style stories about the household; Jacobson is Sen. Evan Bayh’s finance architect; Penn is Hillary Clinton’s pollster.)

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton showed up (separately), and both heartily endorsed the idea that what the Democratic Party needs is… more ideas.

To that end, both showered affection on Andrei Cherny, the wunkerkind former Gore speechwriter / Kerry adviser whose new journal of ideas, “Democracy: A Journal Of Ideas,” launches next week.

Cherny said he hopes the magazine will be a wellspring for new ways for Democrats and progressives to think about their world and their politics.”

The Hotline On-Call

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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