
In Search of the Next Big Idea

“For a committed Democrat,” writes the Chicago Tribune‘s Michael Tackett, “Kenneth Baer looks to unlikely places for inspiration”

By The Editors

“For a committed Democrat,” writes the Chicago Tribune‘s Michael Tackett, “Kenneth Baer looks to unlikely places for inspiration.” Tackett goes on to describe how Democracy, in just a year, has helped revitalize progressives’ interest in big ideas. “People are looking for a new generation, something fresh, and all the candidates are trying to capture that,” Baer tells him. “To [do] that you actually have to have something new to say. In 2009, regardless who is elected, [that person] has a huge opportunity to do something different and to take on big problems.”

Read the rest of the article here.

The Chicago Tribune

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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