
The Democrats Reassess

Reporter Dan Balz describes Democracy: “Their goal is do for the Democrats what journals such as Public Interest did for conservatives and Republicans decades ago, which is to bring forward big ideas to challenge what they regard as the tired thinking that grips Democratic politicians.”

By The Editors

Washington Post reporter Dan Balz sums up the new wave of liberal idea organs, including Democracy:

This is idea week for the Democratic Party. …

Yesterday saw another launch party, this time for Democracy, a quarterly journal that also will be available online ( ). The magazine will be edited by Andrei Cherny and Kenneth Baer, two younger veterans of recent party wars. Their goal is do for the Democrats what journals such as Public Interest did for conservatives and Republicans decades ago, which is to bring forward big ideas to challenge what they regard as the tired thinking that grips Democratic politicians.

Read the rest here.

The Washington Post

The Editors of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas are Michael Tomasky (Editor), Jack Meserve (Managing Editor), and Delphine d'Amora (Associate Editor).

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