What lessons have liberals learned from recent interventions? The answer isn't clear—but it will matter when the next crisis hits.
By Nathan Pippenger April 20, 2016, 2:56 pm – 4 MIN READ
Progressive support for democracy promotion and military intervention ignores our dismal history. A response to Rosa Brooks and Tom Perriello.
By David Rieff Spring 2012, No. 24 – 11 MIN READ
The use of force always entails grave dangers and human costs, and progressives have been leery particularly since the Vietnam era of supporting it, even to prevent or end mass atrocities, repression, and other systematic human suffering. Wise leaders will...
By Tom Perriello Winter 2012, No. 23 – 12 MIN READ
The Insurrection Act is a nuclear bomb hidden in the United States code, giving presidents unimaginable emergency power. No President has abused it. Yet.
By Joseph Nunn June 10, 2024, 3:35 pm – 27 MIN READ
The long arc of racist plunder through local tax codes is shocking—or, well, maybe it’s not, really.
By Victor Ray June 13, 2024, 12:50 pm – 11 MIN READ
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