tax reform

Taxed for Being Black

The long arc of racist plunder through local tax codes is shocking—or, well, maybe it’s not, really.

By Victor Ray

Tax Cut? I Don't Want It.

I’m a member of the one percent and I don’t need a tax break, but Donald Trump wants to give me one anyway…at the expense of everyone else.

By Morris Pearl

“Competition” and the Tax Reform Debate

Where exactly does this word fit into the corporate tax debate? Nowhere, it’s a talking point, not an argument.

By Josh Bivens

The Most Regressive Tax

Sales taxes are already regressive enough, why do progressives also allow them to be a waste of time too?

By Gabriel Ferrante

What Progressive Tax Reform Should Look Like

Tax reform should focus on our real goalsraising incomes and helping peoplenot on the aesthetic purity of the tax code.

By Jason Furman