Summer 2006, No. 1

What could be more anachronistic—in the media culture and political climate of 2006—than the founding of a quarterly journal of ideas? It’s almost as if we were to announce the return of poodle skirts and pet rocks. But we believe that, to regenerate the strength of the progressive movement, big ideas are vitally important. And Democracy represents our bet—and the bet of our supporters—that they will matter.

We launch this endeavor at a time when American politics has grown profoundly unserious. As they have amassed more power for themselves than at any point in nearly a century, conservatives have grown tired in their thinking just as it has become clear that their ideas have failed. But instead of stepping into the breach with a coherent response, many progressives have adopted a compulsive fixation on electoral posturing and crafting the message of the day. Progressives too often have come to eschew bold ambition, preferring to take shelter in the safe harbor of “realism” and “competence.”

The times demand more. We are undergoing a profound transformation in our economy, the nature of global realities and national security threats, and the character of American democracy and society. This transformation has rendered obsolete the comfortable assumptions of the 1930s, the 1960s, the 1980s—and even the 1990s. As progressives have during previous times of similar flux, we must craft a response that moves beyond the mere criticism of the right wing or a rigid adherence to the past. We need a twenty-first-century progressivism that builds on our proud history, is true to our central values, and is relevant to our times.

Democracy will serve as a place where ideas can be developed and important debates can be spurred. We see our role as upsetting accepted assumptions and pushing the boundaries of what is accepted by (and expected from) progressives. We believe that many of the old cleavages that divided progressives in the last century have been rendered irrelevant. If you agree, we hope you’ll comment on the pieces you read here, offer new ideas and arguments, and enter the debate. Now is the time to fashion a new progressivism for the twenty-first century, and we welcome all who are willing to join in this conversation.

Back Issues Archive


The Progressive Case for Military Service

It is controversial, and even uncomfortable, for many progressives to talk about individual responsibility for military service, particularly during an unpopular war, started with what many see as a dubious rationale. Many contend that because they neither voted for nor...

By Kathryn Roth-Douquet


Our Unhealthy Tax Code

If progressives want to cure what ails the health care system, they first have to put the tax code on the examination table.

By Jason Furman


A City on a Hill

Neoconservatism has failed. Realism compromises our identity. Why exemplarism is the right choice for a post-Bush foreign policy.

By Michael Signer


The New Biopolitics

How individual reproductive choices made around the world can destabilize the global economy and threaten our security and what we can do about it.

By Jedediah Purdy


The Wealth of Neighborhoods

While President Bush's ownership society only gives more to those who already have, a more equitable, progressive ownership society is taking shape at the grassroots.

By Gar Alperovitz


Book Reviews

Not-So-Great Liberalism

With all the security challenges we face, is national greatness liberalism feasible or even desirable?

By Michael Lind


Why is Paris Burning?

Two new books fan the flames of the European-Muslim conflict.

By Sarah Wildman


The Fall of the House of Representatives

The long, sad slide from Henry Clay to Tom DeLay

By Brad Carson


Foggy Bottom Faith

Bridging the religious divide at home with a faith-based foreign policy abroad.

By Alan Wolfe



The Seeds of Victory Gardens

The years since September 11 have been the ultimate test of a generation's resolve. How are we doing so far?

By Andrei Cherny


Editor's Note

A Message to Our Readers

What could be more anachronistic in the media culture and political climate of 2006 than the founding of a quarterly journal of ideas? In light of the venomous screeds, discourses on "framing" and political positioning, or any of the other obsessions...

By Kenneth Baer and Andrei Cherny


Back Issues Archive